Menneskerettighedsdag i Tjekkiet

I dag er det FNs menneskerettighedsdag. I den anledning har den tjekkiske Liga for Menneskerettigheder (LIGA) udsendt nedenstående meddelelse. Vi tillader os at viderebringe indledningen på engelsk, læs mere på deres hjemmeside.
Læs i stedet om Prag i december, nytår i Prag eller om vores vinterture. Mail.

Czech Republic: Coercive sterilisation of Roma women, segregation of Roma children

Paris, Brno, Prague – 9 December 2007 At the outset of 2007 the Czech government proclaimed its commitment to “the respect of liberties, protection of human and minority rights” and declared that, “the aim is that fundamental rights and freedoms will be effectively protected in practice…” . As the end of the year approaches, the government faces an important test of the strength of its commitment to minority rights: how to address two of the most serious and long-term human rights violations in the Czech Republic, coercive sterilisation of Roma women and segregation of Roma children in special schools. Read more.


  1. pavel-helge TURE I PRAG OG OMEGN

    Læs mere i nyheder om tjekkiet:
    * BLISTY: Racism, Romanies and politicians in the Czech Republic –
    * GUARDIAN: Czechs found guilty of bias in Roma schooling –,,2210457,00.html
    * HERALD TRIBUNE: EU officials appeal to Czech, Slovak governments to end discrimination of Roma –

  2. pavel-helge TURE I PRAG OG OMEGN

    ČSSD wants law to prevent Roma ghettoes –

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